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About us

Who are we?

Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care (BHNC) is a GP Federation supporting the 21 Bexley Practices / 4 PCNs who are working collaboratively to enhance the health and wellbeing of Bexley residents, covering over 246,000 patients.


How we work...

The goals of BHNC are to work strategically with all Bexley PCNs, to help secure the best services for patients whilst working together, to support the member practices in the challenges of a changing NHS.

BHNC aims to improve the morale of PCNs / general practice in Bexley, by sharing expertise, services and supporting its workforce. BHNC will make a positive impact on medical services in Bexley, by working closely with the ICB, local NHS trusts, local providers, voluntary services, social care services and patient groups, to improve the delivery of healthcare to the local population.

 What we do...

Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care CIC (BHNC) already has established relationships with NHS Trusts, providers and commissioners across South East London and into Kent within the commissioned services it currently delivers. BHNC are already operating as part of the Integrated Care System (ICS) to deliver services such as the OOH Enhanced Access service, Diabetes care and phlebotomy.

BHNC have demonstrable experience of working pragmatically and at pace to deliver the National Covid Vaccination initiative across Bexley and the Polio Immunisation programme to children across Bexley.

Both initiatives have enhanced integrated and partnership working within the ICS to build and sustain relationships with the wider community and voluntary sector (BVSC). Our multi-disciplinary workforce and partners reached vulnerable and underrepresented communities within Bexley (hard to reach groups, homeless, house bound, refugees, disabilities, travellers etc.) and we have continued those strong relationships to ensure healthcare accessibility is accessible to all.

Since the introduction of the ICS model in July 2022, BHNC have built relationships with our partners to improve the way we work collaborately together to meet the aims of the ICS.

To implement the NHS Long Term Plan within the UEC system, BHNC will be pivotal to work in Partnership with the SEL Integrated Care System to implement the Agenda and to address and improve patient pathways to urgent and emergency care. This will include working in Partnership with 111 and the local Acute Trusts ED’s, GP Practices, Community Pharmacies, Mental Health, End of Life as well as the social and third sector providers.

 Our achievements...

Some of our successes in the past two years include:


  • Supporting our four PCNs with the successful delivery of PCN DES

  • Successful delivery of COVID vaccination programme at two large sites.

  • Rapid implementation and delivery of Respiratory hub

  • Developed and implemented virtual XPERT diabetes programme to support patients pandemic and now used for housebound

  • Following the success of housebound annual reviews this programme has been extended to all long term conditions.  

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